Backyard Camping

12:27 PM Edit This 8 Comments »
I've been hiding. Well, I might not call it hiding so much as I've just been spending a lot of time at home. Alone. Is that hiding? I don't know anymore. Tuesday and Wednesday nights I just sat at home with the windows wide open listening to the birds, and then last night I went to bed at 9:30 p.m. Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with going to bed at an earlier hour, but I think I was trying to get out of being aware of myself and my thoughts. I really wasn't tired.

Today it's going to rain, that might have something to do with it. My emotions are usually very closely tied with the barometric pressure. I think that's funny, but it certainly rings true every time the sky clouds up.

We're thinking about having people over for a fire tonight. I love, love, love having bonfires. When I had meningitis and was recovering, I was on a lot of drugs and couldn't drive and I just felt trapped in my own house. I lived in the parsonage across the street from the church where I worked, so it was no big deal, but there was just something about only seeing those couple of blocks out the window and the immense parking lot that made me feel imprisoned in my own life. So, to combat that - I would have a fire in my firepit every night and sleep in my tent in the back yard. I know. I'm weird, but I felt free! I was outside and I was camping! My neighbors thought I was a little loony, but I think I probably was back then, so more power to them, and I found a way to feel free in my own home.


Anonymous said...

That actually sounds fun, but who is the "we" you refer to?


Kate said...

My roommate and I.

Holly said...

camp away -- get a marshmallow stick and poke the neighbours ;)

Shania said...

Sometimes silence is what your soul needs.

Don Mills Diva said...

That sounds dreamy to me - my parents live on the lake and we grew up having backyard fire and sleeping in tents- it was the best!

GreenCanary said...

When we lived in New York, there was a huge black out. No power whatsoever. We didn't have a backyard to camp in, but we did have a living room. My parents built a "campfire" out of flashlights and my mother sang and played her guitar.

I understand retreating from your thoughts. Every so often, you just need to do it :)

Kimberly said...

That sounds great!

And I am in bed by 9:30 many nights. It's the only way I can function some days.

carrster said...

I'm a big fan of bonfires. I'm so happy it's the return of the campfire season! :)