The Death Wish

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Shania tagged me for a meme. Of which I have never done one. I'm not even sure what meme means? It's all about ME? They tell me alot in AA (when I'm being dramatic and stupid) that it's not all about ME anymore and to shut up. So, you can come to my blog and tell me to shut up too, but I probably won't listen or take it too personally. I'm tough like that.

So anyway, it's a list of eight things I want to do before I die. I don't much like to talk about death anymore since I watched Jason's life close in on him so quickly at the end there. And since I was probably teetering on the edge myself quite a few times before I finally got sober, I shy away from the topic. I'm just so grateful to be given one more day to not hate myself that I kind of want to call it the list of eight things I want to do while I'm busy living life. How's that? I like that mucho bettera. So here goes. Feel free to comment and add to the list of things I should be doing to live my life. My world's still kind of small....

1. Write a book and get it published. (My goal in college was to "be published" and I did that like six months out of college and it was kind of a let down sort of goal it was too easy.)

2. See the Grand Canyon. (Now some people think this is just a boring old hole in the ground, but for some reason, I think it could potentially be a mystical experience full of old spirits. Could be the biggest bust ever, but I want to go.)

3. Live in Grand Marais, MN (At least for a little while and especially during winter. Something about being able to brave the elements and win. I like that struggle.)

4. Live on the ocean in South Carolina (Again, at least for a little while. There was something so intriguing about the coast and the ocean that still talks to me in my dreams.)

5. Get married and have kids (Totally can't control this one, so I don't know why I'd put it on there. If I don't get these things I might feel like a failure, so don't be too hard on me if I don't.)

6. Go parasailing. (Didn't do it when I went on a cruise in 1999. Totally regret it.)

7. Drive cross country. (I love to drive and I love road trips. Not sure if I need or want a companion on this journey.)

8. Visit Ireland. (Too bad I quit drinking before I accomplished this. There's something super appealing about drinking dark beer in an Irish pub that was a part of this dream.)

9. Be content with myself.

10. Get a job that uses my counseling skills. (I miss that so much.)

That's it. These are the things I have planned to enjoy my life with. Death? I defy you. Again and again.

Oh, and I do plan to have sex sometime again. Hot damn.


Shania said...

I like your title MUCH better!

Nilsa S. said...

I think you have great odds of achieving everything that's on your list. Way to be realistic with setting your goals!

Anonymous said...

Great list! I like the drive cross country one.

carrster said...

I guess you got the sex one crossed off your list! :)

(I'm just catching up after my absence last week...)

[F]oxymoron said...

The Grand Canyon is [F]'ing incredible. It might be a bust, but only if by bust you mean mind blowing vistas and sunsets!