Embracing the New That is Me
7:28 AM Edit This 25 Comments »
Did I mention that The Pilot flies hot air balloons? Um. He does. Via a comment on Captain Crab's blog, he offered to take me up on Saturday morning. Early. Like as in "I'll pick you up at 6:30 a.m." So I got up at 5 in order to ingest enough coffee to be pleasant. And I was. I was totally pleasant. If not giddy. I mean, this is something I've never done before. And I was excited.
Because I'm not an early riser, I don't often get to breathe in what is the crisp and beautiful morning air in March. In fact, I liked it so much, I might make a new habit of it - this getting up business. This is actually Sunday morning because we went up BOTH days. Yes. Twice. As in, I'm a seasoned balloon rider/helper/chaser now. Hahaha! Not really, but I am a good helper, when I'm not taking pictures.
This is The Pilot, aka Steve and his lovely and quite entertaining/brilliant/funny/talented daughter Anna.
Then they took a picture of me. I love that the shadow of the balloon is behind me. On Saturday, we went over a wooded area where we saw herds of deer, wild turkeys skimming the river, hawks and pheasants flying out from the prairie grasses. It was such a different vantage point for me. And I loved it. Despite the inherent giddiness that I have when I get to do something new, there was a moment of teary-eyed joy. This life is so different than the one I used to lead. And I'm so grateful for every moment of it. Looking out above the tree tops, I realized that I have finally embraced this new life of mine. There is not much remant of the old left in me. And I could cry this morning just trying to get my head around that.
Thanks, Steve. I didn't know you were in the business of making dreams come true, but I'm so glad I met you.

Flying in a hot air balloon is one of the things that's on my Bucket List. I can only imagine what it was like, and I'm happy for you that you got the opportunity.
Oh Kate, I am so happy for you. You are just brimming with hope and possibilities these days. I also want to go up in a hot air balloon. Do you think you and The Pilot could come by and pick me up on your next jaunt?
Very nice. It's good to be happy.
How friggin' cool is that? Good for you!!!
I would scream and pee my pants in a hot air balloon, but it sounds very wonderful if you're into that sort of thing.
I would scream and pee my pants in a hot air balloon, but it sounds very wonderful if you're into that sort of thing.
I'm click happy.
You flew in an air balloon??!! Twice in a weekend?! Ugh. It is official, I am SO jealous. Wow.
That is awesome and I am now jealous!
Self discovery, happiness and a hot air balloon ride all in one weekend. AWESOMENESS.
I too would be screaming. I'd have my head between my knees.
I like that you looked so calm. It made me calm. Because I was about to scream just looking at the pictures.
ZOMFG I am so jealous!!! That's it, I am coming to SD for my ride! Get ready!
You are a lucky lady! He's a catch. I would love to ride in a hot-air balloon. And by the way I hope his daughter has a big stick because she's going to need one to keep the boys away in a year or two.
I have wanted to ride in a hot air balloon forEVER! You are so lucky! That's so cool!!
I'm terrified of hot air balloons. Like clowns, they freak me out-- but I'm happy that you had an awesome time.
Awesome has already been used, so I'll have to think of another word...
What a great way to spend the day and what a beautiful day you guys had. Now, tell us, what's the status with the Pilot, huh, hmmm?
I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself and embraced the morning and a new experience.
Oh that is SO cool!!!
That's a pretty damn awesome experience, and this is an awesome post.
what am amazing adventure! i'm so jealous! and i totally love the little shadow of the balloon in the photo of you! how much fun!
Cool beans Kate. And you are a smart and clever girl to be aware and bask in al this goodness.
This is your life sweetie. This is the one you made. You. your choices.
And so ....wow huh?
This life that you've got right now? It's the life you deserve. You seem so happy and content. And excited and giddy. And all things a girl should be when she's living life to the fullest.
The view must've been simply breathtaking. Wow! I'd love to go up in one, but I'm a chicken. Glad you had a wonderful time, though.
I would have shat myself. I kid you not.
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