Happy Feet Friday

8:45 AM Edit This 17 Comments »
The only good flip flop is a high heeled flip flop. I've made the transition from socks to sandals, people. There is no going back now. Amen. (Please make the sign of the cross.)

I'm going to the source this weekend. I'm visiting the matriarch of our clan. Grammie. I haven't been to Des Moines for almost four years now. It's the site of my descent into madness and there's not much there that I want to see or revisit - except for her. Oh, and my brother and pregnant sister-in-law, but I get to see them at my mom and dad's all the time. My grandma is 93 years old; she still lives in the house she and my Grandpa built after he came home from the war. She still drives her car (The one no one else will drive. Good Lord that thing is a tank.) and she goes out in her garden and pulls weeds for an hour every day in the summer. She's the one that taught me all the names of the full moons. The one that sent me the flora and fauna book of North Carolina the minute she found out I was moving there and instructed me to find certain things and take pictures of them. She is the one that watches the birds in the backyard, calls when the deer are drinking from her fountain and sends letters when the first flower comes up in the Spring. When being pressured by a newspaper salesman to buy a subscription to the paper, my response was, "If something important happens in the world, my grandma will call me." and promptly hung up.

And she's the only one in my family that never asked why when I ended up in treatment. She said only this. "I know what you're doing is the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life. I'm proud of you and I love you."

I got it in my head last Monday night that I wanted to see her. And by God, if I have that thought, I'm going to follow it. So, on Saturday morning, Kate and The Universe time will happen in my car, with loud music, fountain diet coke and cigarettes. And I can't wait!


Just A Girl said...

I want both your flip flops and your grandma. Especially your grandma. I don't have any, so I need some sort of grandparent library.

[F]oxymoron said...

Grandparents just know what to say, don't they? I hope I sound well informed and inspiring when I'm that age! ... I've got me some learning to do first :)

Happy Travels!

JoLee said...

This is def a grandmom weekend! I'm leaving tomorrow at 5am to fly home for my gmom's 90th b-day. She still drives, she still goes to Mass everyday and she rides her bike 5 miles a day. She's healthier than I am

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I love when grandparents tell it like it is. Go granny! Have a great weekend!

carrster said...

Have a wonderful weekend. Are you going to tell her all about your new adventures in dancing & love?

BrianAlt said...

You, and your feet, sound very happy!

Daisee579 said...

What a great grandma to have!! Enjoy your road trip and your weekend!!

melissalion said...

What a neat-o grandma!

Jen said...

Your granny sounds like an awesome lady. I want to hear all about that visit.
And yay for sandals, it was about time too!

Unknown said...

Awesome. Your grandma sounds like my mom, and the grandkids call my mom Grammie too. Have a wonderful time on your visit and on the way there too!

f.B said...

I wish I had some grandparents left.

But in other news, yeah flip-flops yeah.

rachaelgking said...

I am *so* glad it's flips weather.

And good for you... I know you'll be glad you visited. Tell Granny we said hi!

Sparkling Red said...

You have a fantastic Grammie! Please give her a smooch from me and ask her to please continue being awesome for as long as possible.

Michael Horvath said...

Your Grammie's response to you going into treatment was f*#king awesome. Glad that I had people there for me for treament 1,2 and 3!
(I got it now-lol)

Dingo said...

I want your Grammie! I hope you had a great time with her. Come to think of it, I want your flip-flops, too.

Jules said...

Awwww, I miss my grandma. Have a safe trip! You'll only be a couple hours west of me.

buffalodick said...

I wish more people would listen to the wisdom of older people, gathered over a lifetime..