Big Questions
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Why I like the things I do?
When asked to pick a movie last night, I was kind of at a loss. I don't like romantic comedy. I mean sure, sometimes. But no - on a regular basis. Sci Fi? Um, the guy before the dead guy made me have sex to Star Trek the Next Generation. Not in my book of fun. Zombies? No. I played a preview of something and right in the middle of it said, "Make it stop! How do I make it stop? No!" I didn't sleep for weeks after I Am Legend. So we ended up with Wanted. Now, I think Angelina Jolie - regardless of her brood - is sexy as all hell. I would never get a tattoo, but I could wish to. Makes me feel all bad and unholy. Just the thought of it makes me happy. But I know I won't ever do it. I don't even have my ears pierced for God's sake. The movie had a bad plot and was poorly executed, but the blood and guts? Ohhh. Oh so happy I was.
I played intermural Rugby in college. Yes. Me. Awkward and unathletic me. I was the full back, which required lots and lots of running and meant that no one was trying to rip my ears off in the scrum. But I remember my first game. A girl from the other team grabbed me by my ponytail and dragged me to the ground in one fell swoop. And I laid there on my back saying, "Did you see that? She pulled my hair!" And my teammates were laughing at me. It's all par for the course in rugby. It's violent and it's real. And I loved every minute of it. I'm not that violent anymore, but I still love the thrill of watching it. I'm not masochistic in any way shape or form, but I love violent movies and I love violent sports. Maybe this should have been a therapy tuesday post. Ha! Enjoy.

I played intermural Rugby in college. Yes. Me. Awkward and unathletic me. I was the full back, which required lots and lots of running and meant that no one was trying to rip my ears off in the scrum. But I remember my first game. A girl from the other team grabbed me by my ponytail and dragged me to the ground in one fell swoop. And I laid there on my back saying, "Did you see that? She pulled my hair!" And my teammates were laughing at me. It's all par for the course in rugby. It's violent and it's real. And I loved every minute of it. I'm not that violent anymore, but I still love the thrill of watching it. I'm not masochistic in any way shape or form, but I love violent movies and I love violent sports. Maybe this should have been a therapy tuesday post. Ha! Enjoy.
You love violent movies but don't like zombies? Oh, Kate, I weep for you.
I don't understand rugby but I like to watch it. Then again, I love boxing.
made me have sex to Star Trek the Next Generation
I have no --
OK, how could you even get in the mood for the Star trek sex? That must have taken some SERIOUS lube.
Sorry, have I said too much?
And, um, the sight of a man with a black eye seriously turns me you are not weird, or we both are.
I love Rugby! Aussie rules Footy is even better!
"I Am Legend" and those cool vampire-like people bothered you? LOL! Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. If you don't like zombies, but do like violent flicks, watch "28 Days Later" and "28 Weeks Later." People tend to mistake them for zombie flicks, but it's really an rage virus (which is far scarier than actually believing the undead want to eat my brains). I like the first one, "28 Days Later" much better. It's an interesting watch, but it may scare you a little ... just a little. But it's definitely violent with all the "angry psycho loons" running around London pissed off at the world.
I hate scary movies, but I watch them then regret it later. Overactive imagination!
LIKE OMG! I love violent senseless fun! And Miss Jolie is the BOMB of good violent fun!
We are so much alike!
Sometimes it's fun to watch the things we'd never do. Kind of gets stuff out of our system, ya know?!
Let's go back to the Star Trek guy.
"The movie had a bad plot and was poorly executed, but the blood and guts? Ohhh. Oh so happy I was."
Exactly. It wasn't good, by any means, but it was AWESOME to watch. And I'm not even an Angie fan- it was just that cool.
Okay. I KNOW I've posted about Star Trek guy before. He was in love with Seven of Nine. No joke. And 10:30 is a perfect time to have sex, right? Star Trek, the Next Generation JUST HAPPENED TO BE ON. I'm intimately involved with the Borg. Seriously. This was not the only reason we broke up.
Rugby was like hockey without skates, or football, without protective gear!
I can't imagine playing a violent sport. I was more of a ballet kind of girl. I admire that you got into the fray and roughed it up. You tough cookie you!
She pulled your hair???
Do you remember that scene in Spaceballs when the guy shot Princess Vespa in the hair and she opened fire on him killed everybody?
That's what it made me think of.
Btw, Everything in life can be related back to Spaceballs.
I *heart* Angelina Jolie. In fact, she's on my "list." *wink*
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