Therapy Tuesday

8:45 AM Edit This 9 Comments »
I haven't had a Therapy Tuesday for quite awhile since I go only once every three weeks or so these days. I always think I've run out of things to talk about, but she continues to surprise me. Apparently I'm sicker than I thought. Hahahaha.
Last night I had dinner with an old college friend, her husband, and her son whom I have never met. He was such a delight. The time with them was so happy. So very happy. I was grinning all night long from it. More good friends and a new munchkin to love! He was so funny. He wasn't so sure about me at first, but halfway through dinner and after procuring pennies from me to throw in the fountain, he ended up on my lap. I love that. We were talking about my sister's recent engagement and he says to me, "Where's YOUR husband?" And I said, "I don't have one. It's just me and my kitties and lots and lots of good friends." And then later on he asked, "Where's your kids?" And I said, "I don't have any. But I have lots of kids just like you." He seemed satisfied. And I was too. A year ago. Heck, even 4 months ago, those questions would have sent me spiraling into the abyss. I must be getting better, no? And the running leap/hug he gave me when we parted will stay in my mind for a long, long time. Have I mentioned lately how blessed I am?
In other news, I have no idea how exercising MORE, eating LESS and BETTER=weight gain. It is a bit frustrating. I swear the minute the temperature changes around here, my body goes into survival mode and thinks it needs lots of fat to keep it warm. Tonight, we run. I'll show my body who the boss is. I'm the boss of applesauce! It WILL bow to my bidding!



Kim said...

Socialization is working if that kid is asking those questions! It's harmless from a kid, but geez! People ask me a lot if I have kids. I never know what to say.

I sometimes gain more from working out if I am gaining muscle. Are you strength training?

Cellomama said...

Actually, if you are not eating ENOUGH, it can cause what seems like weight gain. A couple of things may be happening. One is that when you work out more often, at first your muscles will respond with mild general inflammation, which causes some water retention (which shows as weight gain). As your body adapts to the increased exercise, your water levels will return to normal and that should pass. Staying really well hydrated can help limit that. I'm dealing with that myself the last week or so, too.

Secondly, there is some risk that you are not eating enough to support your exercise. This can temporarily confuse your metabolism, causing your body to hold onto its fat because it thinks you're in a famine. Keep an eye on it. If it continues for a few weeks, it's likely not just water retention - you probably need to eat a bit more. Also consider tracking your measurements. It helps to see those change over time even if the scale is being stubborn.

My weight has been up and down so often the last 10 years I've learned a lot in the process...Just remember that if you are doing the right things, the weight will come off eventually.

Sparkling Red said...

That's wonderful! Bittersweetness is better than bitterness, but pure sweetness is the best of all!

kelly said...

I hope you're feeling great and having a wonderful time with your running, and I hope you're eating lots of delicious foods (I love the pictures you post! You seem like a great cook). Worrying about weight is detrimental to our bodies and souls but sadly, I know of few people who don't do it!

That is a great story about your friend's bambino... And I'm so glad to hear you were able to handle his queries and not feel despair. That is so cool.

Thank you again for an update. You are always the first place I go from my feed reader!

Jen said...

Well, those should be my answers too :) Isn't it great when we can answer those questions and not feel sad for what we do not have? And kids, they tend to always ask them, so we get to practice those answer a lot! ;)

Lemon Gloria said...

Muscle weighs more than fat. Don't look at your weight - look at how your clothes fit. Those are the real measures. And if things are tight...then I have no idea.

Shelley said...

As long as your clothes still fit, and you are eating right and exercising (which I know you are), don't worry about the numbers on the scale. It's a bonus of running, I've decided. And I'll keep telling you this if you promise to repeat it back to me, because I'm experiencing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I love it. Sometimes things are just good, you know?

Anonymous said...

a very appreciative post Kate...
muscle is heavier than fat eh?
you're building muscle no?
just a thought...