Happy Feet Friday
2:13 PM Edit This 9 Comments »
It's been awhile since you've seen my toes, hasn't it? It's been warm enough to wear flip flops in the evening for slippers. SERIOUSLY. This doesn't happen in South Dakota in February. Also, sunshine. And a window in my office that gives back warming afternoon light. I think this has improved my outlook on winter in the Midwest. It's the middle of February and I don't feel like committing homicide. Or homo-cide like I wanted to last year with Gay Boyfriend. And I also don't want to stick a fork in my neck. This is great progress for me.
AND, my hair is long enough to put into two little pigtails at night. Not to work yet, obviously. But look! Pigtails! Not a good picture from my phone, but whatever. I'm cute.

Your glasses are pretty awesome too.
You are so funny, Kate - have a good weekend.
Kate, thanks for you nice Comment today. I live in S.D. too and we wear flip flops year round :-)
Look at those pedicured toes! I thought I was the only toe-concerned-lunatic brave enough to get a pedicure in the winter and walk back home in flip-flops when there was snow still out on the streets. I guess I'm not alone! :)
Hope the happy-sunshine feeling lasts two weeks!
Flip flops, no homo-cide, and pigtails! What could be better?!
70 degrees on Friday, wind howling on Saturday, buds on trees on Sunday, snow today.
You are cute!
I don't even want to say what I'm thinking so I won't say it. But it has to do with Spring. And something to do with early. But I don't want to jinx anything.
You are too dang cute.
How did you weather the storm?!?
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