Babies and Greenery
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We did my taxes. (Blech. Not that I owe anything, but just DOING them makes me want to vomit. Numbers and crap.) And when the baby was sleeping, my dad went through my investment account statements (The ones I don't open because I can't handle it.) and my mom helped me fold and put away laundry. How horrible is that?
In other news, I have mastered the green monsters. At least for now. 1 cup of strawberries, two bananas and 6 romaine leaves with the white stems removed. Tastes awesome. I also made a raw cauliflower chowder. The whole raw thing is not something I intend to embrace full time, but it's been fun to read about it and experiment. I have enough chowder and green monster to last for two days. But sadly, that does not outdo the fact that I bought both a block of provolone and a block of swiss cheese. Did you know that milk products have opiate properties in them and that giving up cheese is akin to giving up morphine? And I've given up drinking, so whatever on the cheese, right?
Or maybe I've gone too far in my research. But whatever. At the moment, I am drinking green smoothies, eating raw cauliflower chowder and munching on berries and grapes. And if I need some cheese, then so be it. Right? Of course, right.
The baby is cute. Love that you gave him the spoons to chew on!
Nothing wrong with having your mom and dad help you once in a's nice to get a break, plus you've been working hard and I'm sure needed a little pampering yourself!
Life without cheese would not be worth living. 'Nuff said.
Spinach in smoothies is AWESOME - totally healthy, but does not alter the flavor!Buy spinach leaves to put in your salad, then when the remainder of the bag is a little too wilty to make add to salad, but it in smoothies. Works really good with berry smoothies - you really won;t notice a taste, and the berry keeps the smoothie a pretty red color. Your previous description of the kale smoothie made me cringe.
oh man, I LOVE it when my parents come to town & help out. LOVE. IT. My Mom takes over the kitchen & loves to clean (have at it!) & my Dad is so good at helping out with projects. I wish they lived closer!!
Wooden spoons - great idea!!
Be careful with a full on raw diet. It can be hazardous to your digestive system. Man invented fire for a reason!
I'd say: The cheese stays! Viva the cheese!
I don't think I told you about the time I decided I'd go all veggies and fruit. Sort of raw. I made it through about a day and a half and then I got a migraine because I was so very hungry and my dear friend offered me a steak, which I ate, a muffin, which I ate and chips, which I ate. And I was still hungry afterward.
What I'm saying is eat the cheese.
One question---what about chocolate???!!!
The cuteness! Jordan loves wooden spoons and spatulas. He doesn't really chew on them anymore but loves to carry them around.
And go, you on the raw veggies! I really like smoothies in general, and green smoothies, but for the rest of it, I'm not so much a raw food kind of person.
And life without cheese is grim. Enjoy the cheese.
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