It's the Little Things...

8:54 AM Edit This 7 Comments »
I scored a parking spot in the ramp at the hospital today! I giggled and audibly said, "Yes!" (to myself of course) when I saw someone pull out.

Now, normally this would not be such a big deal. I kind of like the little hike I take from the church parking lot down the block. Even in the rain/cold/snow/whatever. I dress accordingly - I am from the Midwest, and I know these things.

No, today is different. Why? Because it's supposed to snow at least an inch an hour ALL DAY LONG! And the parking ramp is enclosed. hehehe! I win. I am a parking goddess today and I'm still thinking about it and how the parking fairies were with me!

And then, guess what? I looked at the menus for the cafeterias this morning. (It's cheaper to eat here than to bring it and it's really not so bad.) Tomorrow is lasagna and peas, Wednesday is schexwan chicken and Thursday is chimichangas. My three favorites, in a row, in the same week! It's like the karmic angels are watching out for me!

So despite the fact that it's March 31st and its snowing so hard I can't see across the street, and later I have to slog to the club and lead a meeting, I'm happy right now! It really is the little things.


Anonymous said...

This morning when I left the house (late morning thanks to a migraine), I thought there was an umbrella in my car. I got to the park and ride lot, twisted around in my seat to grab the umbrella and...NO UMBRELLA! It was pouring down rain. Pouring. Luckily, my fleece jacket has a hood. But I was good and soaked by the time I got to my office because I also had to walk across the lake formerly known as campus. :D

Good parking spaces are an excellent way to start the week!

GreenCanary said...

Your positive attitude makes me smile, Kate :-)

Holly said...

well holy crap it snowed somewhere else and not here today! awesome for you the parking spot was there!!! :)

Shania said...

SNOW??? But it's practically April! I was wailing and gnashing my teeth about it being 45 here today. I guess I'll just suck it up and quit crying!

Ashley said...

Awesomeness! And NOW you have a new blog visitor who is COMMENTING. Little things, right? maybe this is way smaller than little. I tried lol. :)

stapeliad said...

We had fake snow here a few weeks ago.

I miss real snow.

Yay for the Parking Goddess!

carrster said...

I love little things!
