Is it Monday? I Told a Patient to Have a Good Weekend!

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Very relaxing weekend! I forget how much joy there is in spending time with friends, children and sunshine. I went to an "old fashioned" quilting bee on Saturday and had so much fun, I stayed all day! I couldn't believe it. Normally I would get bored to death in about an hour, but this time, the conversation was stimulating, the work was not so repetitive and the sun was shining!

Sunday, I went to Tami's to see the baby chickens. I know, I know, those of you who grew up on farms don't think that's all it's cracked up to be, but I loved it. They were so cute and their little hearts beat so fast when you picked them up. In two months, we'll slaughter them (yes, I said slaughter. I like the violence of the word!). Seriously, I think I was meant to live on a farm. Remember Little House on the Prairie? They would tie a rope from the house to the barn so in blizzards, they could follow it to feed the animals and not get lost? Well, it was SO windy yesterday that I thought Tami's youngest snippet of a daughter ought to do that in order to not blow away. It felt like we were in store for a tornado - when you can't open the hatch to the root cellar. We could hardly get the chicken coop door open. AND I saw cows up close! I'm an utter dork, but I loved every minute of it.

Today, the good doctor was a complete jerk and I almost fell for it. He's still got jetlag from doing mission work in India and the lack of sleep makes him a bear and more controlling than ever. I got a lecture about attitude and how Americans don't understand the value of healthcare. It was all I could do to not tell him to take a hike. I even had those tears behind my eyes. I rarely let him get to me - I'm one of his favorites anyway and usually don't get subjected to his rampages, but I got it today for not stacking his charts the way he wanted me to and for being the bearer of the bad news that he's going to get in trouble for not dictating his surgeries on time. Blech. They don't pay me enough to deal with that. And then, tomorrow or the next day, I'll get the history lesson of a lifetime or a fascinating discussion about politics and world religions. I live for those. And yet, it's finally coming - the time for me to move on. Days like today make me think more and more about looking for a job that uses my real skills. A couple of resumes have gone out to no avail, but I don't really worry about that so much. This job dropped in my lap when I needed it the most and another one will too, when the right one comes available. Until then, the good surgeon needs a nap and I need to not take it so personally.


Shania said...

My grandparents had chickens. I am afraid of roosters to this day. And it's hard not to take rants personally when they're directed at you.

Twisting Ivy said...

I hate that tears behind the eyes feeling...

I hope a more fulfilling and better suited job comes your way soon. =)

GreenCanary said...

You're right, the perfect position will come along. In the meantime, keep on keepin' on, and keep that positive attitude. It's remarkable, it really is.

Malaise Inc said...

A quilting bee?

Did you wear a gingham dress and pull your hair back into a Baptist bun?

Anonymous said...

My grandmother used to tell me how they would slaughter pigs on the farm. All that farm stuff is interesting, but very hard work.


carrster said...

About the cows...I think you meant to say you're an "udder dork." haha

Sorry about your boss - I hope today was better. Hmph.

Holly said...

my mom STILL shares her horror stories of feeding the chickens on her family farm. she was cornered and pecked and she hated it. but, we all giggle anyway...

a lot of us don't get paid enough, but hopefully the good days outweigh the bad!