And Then its the Little Things

11:04 AM Edit This 4 Comments »
When the biggest concern you have on Therapy Tuesday is whether or not you want to have a naked burrito two days in a row or get the lasagna and peas, I think you could say that therapy went pretty damn good.

Oh, and my undies are currently in the bathroom. I had a laughing attack and well, you know what happens sometimes - a little bit of glee leaks out. And of course today is the day I'm wearing a dress. With no undies. And I'll be alone in the office ALL DAY LONG. How is it that no one will be here to witness it? I mean seriously. This is funny stuff and NO ONE IS HERE OR WILL BE HERE ALL DAY for me to tell this hilarious stuff to. Please laugh amongst yourselves...


Shania said...

Consider it done!

Matt said...

My question is what are you doing laughing at work?!?

GreenCanary said...

Woooooo! Goin' commando in a dress. Good for you, bubaloo!

Test said...

damn it girl.... you crack me up. i've never heard it described as a little bit of glee leaking out but that is f'in perfect.