Morning Assault

7:32 AM Edit This 8 Comments »
It's early. And I'm awake. And I'm not happy about it. Four thirty in the morning, the images assaulted me. Pictures of my life with him. Why today? Why anyway? I've put so much of it to rest. I thought I put ALL of it to rest. HE needs to rest.

Go away honey. Go quietly. Leave me be.


lacochran said...

You're clear. He'll go.

buffalodick said...

The mind goes where it will....

Anonymous said...

What if you put a different spin on those thoughts and think of it as him checking in with you and watching out for you - like a guardian angel? Does that help any?

Anonymous said...

I like to think that my loved ones that have passed on finally got a sense of humour and the only way they can annoy me is by making me think of them, alot. It makes me feel alive and no matter what, acknowledging that someone still is a part of your life only makes you realize that they just want to be along for the ride. Don't stop doing the good work and live as hard and as strong, I like to call it picking up the slack. Don't forget to have a laugh today.

rachaelgking said...

As someone who's been suffering from a similar type of insomnia (waking up early, not falling back asleep bc of worrying, thinking...)

May I suggest Unisom? Worked well for me. After all, you already have the therapist...

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Hang in there, Kate. You're at a stage where it's 20 steps forward, one teensy step back. Way better than the days of one step forward, two steps back!

Sweetly Single said...

~hugs~ sometimes ghosts arrive when we least expect them and our guard is down

You are not alone

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder why the ghosts don't haunt me more often, and then I'll be minding my own business and BAM.