Making My Way Back Home
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I'm on my way home! In the land of dial up internet, Kate does not LIKE to work on her computer because it shows her innate lack of patience and concurrent violent streak. So she just ignores the computer when she's stuck in a place where backwards people exist on the newspaper at her sister's. So now I'm sitting at Stewart International Airport, which USED to be an air force base and I'd more rather see some hotty air force guys in uniform, but no. I'm sitting next to a very loud woman who is trying to sound and look importanty by talking on her earpiece, which we all know looks like she's talking to herself. Which she could be for all I know. The all importantness is showing too much.
Anyways. The trip was fabulous. Because my sister had the flu. She was PUKING all day on Friday and laid in bed all morning on Saturday and Sunday and got up just in the afternoon. That's what made it fabulous. She didn't make me go to yoga or on a ten gazillion mile hike in the mountains and we just got to hang out. Which is the best kind of vacation for me. Oh, and it snowed on Sunday. Beautiful, beautiful snow. Pictures tomorrow.
Lots more tomorrow about the hippie freaks in Woodstock and the wanna be yuppies at the Rite Aid in New Paltz. I think the thing I hate the most when I travel is that it's a seven or eight hour deal. They hold you CAPTIVE. You can't possibly leave the security area and go outside. NO! You might miss your flight because of the long security lines. They trick you into passivity.
See you tomorrow!
Anyways. The trip was fabulous. Because my sister had the flu. She was PUKING all day on Friday and laid in bed all morning on Saturday and Sunday and got up just in the afternoon. That's what made it fabulous. She didn't make me go to yoga or on a ten gazillion mile hike in the mountains and we just got to hang out. Which is the best kind of vacation for me. Oh, and it snowed on Sunday. Beautiful, beautiful snow. Pictures tomorrow.
Lots more tomorrow about the hippie freaks in Woodstock and the wanna be yuppies at the Rite Aid in New Paltz. I think the thing I hate the most when I travel is that it's a seven or eight hour deal. They hold you CAPTIVE. You can't possibly leave the security area and go outside. NO! You might miss your flight because of the long security lines. They trick you into passivity.
See you tomorrow!
That's cause you have to change planes. I only fly direct.
Okay, I TRY to only fly direct.
So I guess I can be happy for you that your sister was sick? Hmm... that's unusual, but I can get onboard with it. :-)
Can hippie freaks and yuppies live in harmony? I can't wait to hear more. Even more important is the fact that yuppie wannabes were shopping at Rite Aid!
That is the VERY thing that I hate about air travel - the fear of going outside the security area, because of the loooooooooonglines to re-enter. So yes, one is then held captive in the land of lame food stands and news shops, not the real restaurants, bookstores, etc. that can be found in the main terminals. Is maddening!
Glad to hear you had a good time. I will be driving back tomorrow myself.
Your sister's personal suffering was your boon. Screw her.
Okay, your sister puking part had to suck just a little, but I can totally relate to your relief at not having to hike and do yoga :) I love your sis, but neither one of us is in as good of shape as she is! She just can't relate.
Your trip sounds awesome and very restful. I'm sure the all-important woman sat right next to you on the plane while she worked on Very Important Stuff in her dayrunner between chapters of the Seven Habits Highly Effective People.
I usually leave the security area and look around the free area of the airport anyway. But then, I miss a lot of flights.
Sorry your sister was sick!
I am flying on Thursday--thank heavens it's a direct flight! :)
Once I had to sit next to a lady on a plane who explained to me that she had just taken her water pill and that she'll be getting up a lot.
I switched seats with her. It was either that or kill the bitch.
I absolutely love that you rejoiced in having the flu so your sister couldn't make you do stuff.
I totally would have too.
Can't wait to have you back, chica.
reconnection is a good thing! Glad to hear you had a good time
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