The Tee Vee is Horridible

8:32 AM Edit This 10 Comments »
I don't have much to report. Except that I spent the day yesterday watching TMZ. I never watch tv. Never. But I was at a friend's and the sun was streaming in and we were huddled under blankets on the couch and chatting and "The Worst Celebrity Divorces" came on. How is it that I can get sucked into that crap? I was sprinting to the bathroom during a commercial so I wouldn't miss a second of it. I totally don't agree that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston's was the worst. They said it "Changed America forever." What? Seriously? Then Sober House came on.

For those of you that don't know - that is NOTHING like the treatment center I went through. It wasn't, "Oh, you went out and drank last night. That's okay honey. We still love you." It was all, "Pull yourself together woman, this isn't a fucking spa!" So I spent an hour mezmerized yet horrified. And I don't think I'll watch tv again for about a year.

Did I tell you Gay Boyfriend got me flowers on Valentine's Day? He did.


Anonymous said...

I am so in love with Gay Boyfriend.



Unknown said...

That's okay, girl. We all get sucked in occasionally.

Gay Boyfriend is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thats why I have a DVR!

[F]oxymoron said...

Awesome. I can't remember the last time I received flowers from my gay girlfriend!

t2ed said...

Well at least you didn't waste the day then.

After watching My Super Sweet 16 anbd Brett Michael's Bang Bus, I understand why the terrorists hates us.

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet what GB did!

I've never seen Sober House. I can see why you were horrified.

rachaelgking said...

Awww, big smooches to Gay Boyfriend! What a honeybear.

Megkathleen said...

Awww, Gay Boyfriend is the best! So is bad TV for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I need me a gay boyfriend of my very own!

I know what you mean about getting sucked in to bad TV. I usually avoid any kind of "reality" TV but every so often ...

Lindsey said...

Looks like I need a gay boyfriend too. Lucky girl!