Happy Feet Friday

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It's coming! Summer is coming! And those dirty feet on the trampoline are so happy. Because the beach will be here soon. As will little butts in swimsuits.
And considering our penchant for starting the summer as early as possible, a beach day is barely a month away. (And did I tell you I've lost over 10 pounds dancing? I have.) But in the meantime? I need advice, internet. Did I mention that Tiny Apartment is in the basement? Of a house built in the 1800s? Well, it is. And in the spring and fall when the windows aren't flung wide and the heat is not running 24 hours a day, it gets musty. You know that icky smell. Damp. And it's yuck and it offends my nose. I refuse to cover it up with smelly sprays and scents because I think that just makes it worse. Then it's sickly sweet musty. I need something that eats the smell. Wicks it up. Especially in the bathroom where the walls never get quite dry and the drain? Well. Let's just not talk about the drain. It makes me want to vomit.
Help me.


BrianAlt said...

Move in with Captain Keebler? Other than that, I have no idea how to remove a musty smell.

*Akilah Sakai* said...

You've lost 10 lbs. dancing? Woohoo! That's fantastic.

Your best bet, if no one has any suggestions, is to go to The Home Depot and ask someone there. More than likely the product suggested will come from Home Depot. They must sell something that you can put in the corners that helps suck up odors the same way baking soda works in fridges. I used to live in Home Depot for a time and I think I may have seen something that said it sucks up basement odors. Plus, people's basements flood from time to time and fans can't be the only alternative to freshen the air down there.

Anonymous said...

Now that looks like fun!

Shania said...

Congrats on the 10lbs! Good for you. For the smell, try charcoal. You can get it in mesh bags to hang around to absorb the smell. Also cedar shavings work.

Unknown said...

Awesome on the dancing weight loss. I will now have to try that.

I work in construction, and I know there are companies that make basement dehumidifiers. I don't know anything about them other than their existence. They should have an air filter on the machine that would stop that musty basement smell.

melissalion said...

I have advice. A dehumidifyer and vinegar. Just a little bowl of vinegar will absorb the smell. Or baking soda. AND if you clean the walls with hydrogen peroxide that's awesome too.

10 pounds! Woot!

Lindsey said...

You need to invest in a dehumidifier..not just for the smell, but for your health!!

CatKrny said...

I have a dehumidifier going in my basement most of the time.

JoLee said...

I want to put a little piece of your smile in my pocket and save it for later.

Have I told you that I GAINED 10 lbs? Maybe I should start dancing.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I bet if you post your address, your lovely freaders will send you aromatic candles and whatnot to fill your house this spring. Then again, some might also show up at your door. Maybe that's not such a good idea. =)