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7:40 AM Edit This 8 Comments »
Four hours last night. Six the night before. I think I might be on the mend. Why I get it in my head that I don't need to follow directions sometimes, I will not know. I've been down this path before. Hrmph.

The hole never looks as deep or as inviting as it does when my physical health is suffering. I've backed away from it. Carry on, good people.


BrianAlt said...

I don't like going to bed. I don't like waking up.

It's a paradox.

I'm glad things are getting back on track. Keep working on it.

carrster said...

You're a trooper.

Dahlia actually slept til almost 5am this morning WHICH ROCKED.

Sleep is soooooo necessary.

Anonymous said...

I was up at 3:30.

rachaelgking said...

I've actually been sleeping this week... it is a MIRACLE, no?

GreenCanary said...

I was in Whole Foods last night and perused the homeopathic sleep aids. I'm not sure if they work, but if you're anti-meds, maybe you'd prefer herbs? I can't really make any recommendations because I'm the person who would hoarde my Ambien and plan weekends around non-stop sleeping *sheepish*

Sparkling Red said...

Keep that chin up. It's ALWAYS easier to stay out of the hole than to struggle out again once you're in.

stoogepie said...

What a crazy coincidence! I was also awake a total of four hours yesterday and a total of six hours the day before.

Nabeel said...

well try eating healthy, it's good for physical and mental health.