Happy Feet Friday and Happy Halloween

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My newest shoes. They're my witch shoes for Halloween. They ARE the costume. I just couldn't pull a costume together this year and when I saw these for $7, I knew they were it. I think I could potentially hurt someone gravely with them.

Here's an existential question for you that the good doctor posed to me yesterday. How did it get to be that women are second rate human beings? I originally said religion, he said no. I mean, they've been throwing young women into volcanos to appease the gods since time began, right? I said it had something to do with the magic of childbirth and man's desire to control it. He said he'd ponder that. Thoughts?


Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I think my boss would explode into an itchy rash if I ever broached that kind of topic with him. Love that you're able to with yours. =)

When Person A is intrinsically better at something/many things (say the brain in school) than Person B (who is maybe only physically stronger), sometimes Person B becomes a bully and beats down Person A to overshadow his/her insecurities. I say men are insecure about the fact that women are so much better than them at so many things ... so they began using their brawn to beat us down.

TMC said...

I think it might have something to do with our breadth... the ability to span from ultra sensitive and caring to unforgivably fierce. We're like the weather - uncontrollable. So yeah, I think it does have something to do with control.

Anonymous said...

It's a control thing, most definitely. Men have a natural (?) desire to control and dominate over everything in their environment, including other people. Historically, males could easily dominate over females (being physically stronger in general), so they did. Then societies were built around the roles of the dominant male and subordinate female, and here we are.

Just look at apes and other primates - the whole dominant male / subordinate female thing exists there too. Which only goes to prove that men are no different from apes. But you already knew that, didn't you? :)

lacochran said...

What they said. (I've got nothing to add but then I'm all submissive like 'cause I'm a woman so what can you expect? ;) )

Daisee579 said...

I think that you were on the right track with religion - even the throwing virgins into the volcano had to do with appeasing gods, even if those aren't the same gods we're trying to appease today.

I also think you're on the right track with the whole giving life thing. I think it alternately scares and fascinates men that we retain this ability. Of course, they forget that we do need their contribution to make it happen, but still.

Plus I think they're alternately scared and fascinated by the idea that we can squeeze an 8-10 pound baby out of a tiny hey nanny nanny.

love the shoes, by the way!

Jen said...

To give men the benefit of the doubt I would say (although I do agree that everything said before makes sense and is probably right on) that it might have started as them realizing women had all these different, special qualities and admiring them, separating them from us and then getting things complicated by jealousy, ego, and fear. We tend to fear that which is different from ourselves and then react defensively. Unfortunately for women, men are physically stronger, and that has contributed to our domination. I still rather be a woman than a man these days, to me it's just the right option.

BrianAlt said...

"Oranges, poranges. Who cares!" - Witchypoo

Oh, and I started blogging again, if you're interested.


BrianAlt said...

Oh, and I meant to post more.

As for the men/women thing, I LOVE women. Men are just idiots.

I think that solves it.

Unknown said...

Definitely control. And they're usually stronger than us. I don't think I could pick my husband up to launch him into a volcano. BTW that visualization will probably be with me all day!

underOvr (aka The U) said...

Hi Kate,

The shoes are cool. Throw in a high pitch rendition of, "I'll get you my pretty" and voila!

That question is too existential for me; I'll ponder it over the weekend.


buffalodick said...

I'm more of the equal, but different theory. Roles came from Nature, and in the distant past, we both did what made sense. Men still do most of the fighting, and women still do most of the nurturing.

G. B. Miller said...

That's the best answer I've heard in two plus years of chat room participation.

Hayley said...
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