Happy Feet Friday

7:43 AM Edit This 6 Comments »

Look! I am officially a South Dakota resident! Cowgirl got some "hand me down" boots from her sister in law that were too big for her. And I was the lucky recipient of said already-worn-in-kick-ass-cowboy-boots. I put them on and I know that my eyes lit up because Cowgirl started laughing and I said, "Dude! I feel totally badass!" And she said, "See? I've been telling you all along!" And I wore them country dancing last weekend and felt even MORE badass. Isn't it amazing how an object can make you feel different? Or maybe that's just me being shallow. If so, I'm okay with that.

And to top THAT off, I'm going camping this weekend! All by myself! I've never gone camping by myself before but I've always wanted to. And when I was pondering whether I was really serious or not, while staring at the online reservation website - *poof* one of the cabins disappeared. "What?! If I don't make up my mind, I'm going to lose it!" So I quick filled out the form, whipped out my credit card and clicked "reserve". Mine!

I thought for a couple hours about the stupidity of it. What on earth do you do when you're camping by yourself? And then I remembered one of my very favorite camping trips. It was the year I broke my leg - I was still in my boot, but I'm pretty sure I'd graduated to a cane. And I desperately wanted to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, so the Dead Guy got a reservation for us, we set up camp and then? We sat by the fire. We read books, we played cards, we hobbled down to the lake a couple times. But mostly we sat and napped and read and it was glorious. And I'm planning much the same thing. Only it involves knitting. And most decidedly no sex. And most likely lots of pictures of the fall leaves. And I'm so excited! I'm giddy-excited!

Groceries are purchased, most of my clothing is packed, sleeping bag is already in the car, kindling and firewood is dumped in the trunk. All that's left is getting ice for the cooler and some D batteries for my favorite lantern and I'm out of here. New adventures. There's always new adventures in my life today and that's kind of badass in itself. And I'm totally wearing the boots.


carrster said...

Have a great weekend!! Enjoy your time of solitude! Sounds like a great plan.

melissalion said...

OMG those are adorable!

JoLee said...

Those are fabulous. I spend an hour last week debating over cowboy boots. I should have gotten them. If the ones you have are a size 8, please feel free to send my way when you're finished.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

THAT kind of camping trip sounds awesome. Have a great time!

MudMapImages said...

Hand me own boots are the best :-)

buffalodick said...

People laugh around here about cowboy boots and hats- but both are very well-made, and expensive!