What A Mere Four Months Can Do

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Remember when I planted my garden on May 2nd? There's a party going on back there. It's crazy! Look at it! I made all that grow! It's beyond me how I could nurture something like that into fruition. But I did. Every night, I was out there. Plucking and weeding and staking and tying things up. I used a whole ball of twine this year! The peas are done and have been ripped out. The beets are done as well. I ate them all. I didn't even share. The green beans have had their glory day and I really should rip them out too, but I kinda like their draping teepee in the corner. It will turn brown soon enough.
These suckers really surprised me. They are lima beans. Well - the greenery part of limas. There's flowers on there, but they have not done anything yet. I don't know what to expect, but I like it's lush coloring and seeking tendrils.
And I have to admit, these are the most prolific of anything I put in the garden this year. My cherry tomato plants. Taller than me! Seriously. They were about 6 inches tall when I planted them and BOOM! They are escaping over the fence!

Look at those little green things. The bushes are COVERED IN THEM.
Which means that every single night for about two weeks now, I've picked a whole bowl full. I eat some, I have made some into spaghetti sauce and frozen it and I've sauteed some into pizza sauce. I need more ideas on preserving these. Because there's no way I'm going to get them all eaten up.
That's four months of my life right there. My garden. But I've grown too. Guess what? I ran a whole 5K last night without stopping. WITHOUT STOPPING! It was about 38 minutes. I'm not totally sure, but I RAN WITHOUT STOPPING FOR OVER 3 MILES! I did it. And I'm going to do it again on Saturday, and then the Wednesday after that. And then on Sunday, September 12th, I'm going to do it again! I've said it before that I'm not sure it's the running I like so much, but more the sense of accomplishment. Of having grown. Of having gone somewhere. Of conquering something.
But holy, do my thighs burn this morning.


Malaise Inc said...

Rock on.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Your garden is beautiful and you are a rock star for all this running. ROCK STAR!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want those tomatoes! GIVE THEM TO ME.

TMC said...

The garden looks loverly! And black-eyed susans are such a classic American beauty. :)

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Mmm those cherry tomatoes look good. We may have to plant some next year....

Nice job on the 5K!

Can do mom said...

Your garden is gorgeous and I'm envious of your cherry tomatoes. Fresh cherry tomatoes are a little taste of heaven on earth!

Keep on running. I wish I could still run. My knees gave out years ago and now I'm stuck with walking. Oh well, at least my legs still work, right?

Shelley said...

Woohoo Kate - way to run that 5K! You are a runner, my friend!!! Can't wait for your race report - I know you will have a blast!

Now, those tomatoes? Wow. Green thumb AND athletic!

Alex Raintree said...

Beautiful garden! Glad I stumbled across your blog.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

WOW. Those puppies really sprouted up!

Jen said...

Wow, now that's a garden! It's great! And you ran 5K without stopping? You are officially my hero now.

The Good Cook said...

Nurturing something into life is a wonderful feeling, whether it be person, plant or animal. The garden is gorgeous.

For a wonderful taste treat, cut those tomatoes in half, toss with olive oil, salt and pepper and place in a 200 degree oven for 2 to 4 hours. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container. To eat, smear a baguette with goat cheese or ricotta or soft fresh mozzarella cheese, top with the slow roasted tomatoes and another drizzle of olive oil.

C'est Bon!