Derailing the PLAN

8:58 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
My PLAN got derailed last night and I turned into a wild-eyed deranged feral cat. Why is it that the damn PLAN is all-powerful?

I got home and was completely intent on washing my swimsuits and towels and getting them packed in the pink bag and out to the car. One less thing to worry about. But NOOOOO, Gay Boyfriend's new boyfriend was doing his laundry. And as I'm standing there with an armful of towels, he says, "But I have to do laundry next. Does it have to get done right now?" And I'm thinking, "You little shit. You've been home ALL DAY LONG and you think you're going to do laundry now that I'M home??? And why does someone who doesn't even LIVE HERE take precedence over my laundry needs, huh? Tell me. Explain that one to me, asshole."

But I did not say those words. I just thought them and I graciously exited into my apartment to rage to myself. He didn't know about the PLAN, so I can't be that mad. But still.... Righteous Kate is really no fun and if you cross her, you usually end up quivering in the corner, pleading for her to stop stabbing you with her words.

Put her back in the cage already and modify the PLAN. Damn.


Don Mills Diva said...

I'm a bit like that myself. When I have something all planned out in my mind, I get really freaked out by the slightest aberation...

Anonymous said...

you are so funny! your postings crack me up...probably cuz i can totally relate!

Sweetly Single said...

You are so much more kind than I am!! I would have put a bright red sock into the wash just to get back at them LOL