Therapy Tuesday

8:58 AM Edit This 14 Comments »
I'm am fairly certain that at seven a.m. there is not enough coffee in the world to make talking about sex in the kind of graphic detail my therapist requires okay. Good Lord.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with that...

Daisee579 said...

Is there any good time to have that sort of talk? Seriously. Good luck :)

Unknown said...

7AM is a little too early for graphic details on anything. So good luck.

Titania said...

I am not a therapist so pardon the question. But, why a therapist would require sex graphic details at any hour of the day?

*Akilah Sakai* said...

Er, why so detailed?

melissalion said...

Just send her to your blog?


Send her to Stoogie's!

buffalodick said...

Seems odd, but what do I now?

Michael Horvath said...

Why would you even make an appt that early?

rachaelgking said...

I'm with everyone else here... I mean, I can understand vague stuff like if something made you uncomfortable, but deets like that? No way.

Sparkling Red said...

I confirm that suspicion: there is not enough coffee in the world for that purpose.

Meg Kathleen said...

What a way to start the day! Hopefully it'll get better.

JoLee said...

i thought you were done with therapy??? does this mean you got some booty?

Captain Crab said...

Remember, there are pirates (not from Somalia) on your side, so hang in there.

And if you ever need a pirate, please call.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a guy, and as any guy will tell you, ANY time is a good time to talk about sex. As long as it's not with your therapist (the talking, that is, not the sex). And at seven a.m....? Uhh, No. Good luck with that.
