Happy Feet Friday

10:29 PM Edit This 11 Comments »
Today was another rough one. Too many emotions, not enough patience to walk through them. Fighting a massive shut down. The thing is, I've been here before and I'm taking all the right actions to keep me upright. And I have every faith that I will get through this current siege. Not unscathed, but through it with a minimum of scars.

And it was taking the right action to plan the first backyard bonfire of the season. I figured come Friday, I would just want to crawl in a hole and die. And I did. I know myself too well, right? So, I sent out a massive text and a facebook invite and committed to burning wood on Friday night. It was spitting rain all day off and on. I considered sending another massive text about cancelling, but I didn't. I stayed the course that I set. And well? I did it. I followed through on my plans. And even though I was not the best hostess in the world, it was nice to know that I was surrounded by people who love me and care about me, and I, them.
Chakra Queen is my saving grace right now. She doesn't like to talk on the phone. And the last time I called her, she found herself driving to my house at what seemed like the middle of the night to check on me. As I was sobbing, I saw the lights of her SUV and said, "Are you here?" And she said, "Of course I am." And her mere presence gives me peace. The sobbing subsided and just a little bit of serenity found its way into my heart.

Internet? This recovery crap is hard shit. Walking through emotions, bad behaviors. Everything. I know I'm doing the right things. That's ALL I know. And that's all I need to know right now, I guess. The pain will take it's course.


Spilling Ink said...

There should be a fast forward button. Or less wading through crap while recovering. Either would do I imagine.

Jen said...

Big hugs Kate, hang in there, this too shall pass.

Can do mom said...

Wading through the crap of life can be overwhelming. Don't look down. Keep your eye on the horizon (goal) and just keep moving in the right direction. You'll get there. Not unscathed (nobody gets through this life unscathed!) but you WILL get there!

artemisia said...

You live so fully, Kate. Hugs to you!

Rebecca said...

Just keep on chipping away at your dragons and stand over his slayed body as you shove him into the ground...........keep on. Just keep on!

G said...
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G said...
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G said...

I have no advice as I find myself in the same dark space at times. Friends can help a lot, but when really down it is tempting to turn one's back.
You are a survivor and I envy your determination.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it weird how people help? I'm being totally serious. I met up with two friends yesterday just to hang out and I slept so well last night. It was just so good to talk to others. I forget that sometimes.

GreenCanary said...

"I stayed the course that I set." I admire you for that. I too often cancel the course I set because my brain tells me it would be easier to be alone than to be among people.

Anonymous said...

Kate, good for you for planning the bonfire and staying the course. It shows you are an amazingly strong person!